Friday, April 18, 2014

News and Updates

News and Updates
April 16, 2014
·     Remember no school Friday the 18th.

·     We have been so busy these last weeks.  Our class is all about dinosaurs right now.  Check out the blog soon for photos.  We have a dinosaur dig in our dramatic play.  We have made fossil dough and eggs with dinosaurs inside.  We have read many books and learned a new song.  Many of the students are able to define carnivore and herbivore as well as the names of many dinosaurs.

·     End of the year picnic.  We like to celebrate our school year with a picnic.  Preschool’s official last day will be June 4th and 5th.  Our picnics will be on June 3rd and June 4th starting at 11.  You are invited to bring blankets, lawn chairs, outside toys (bubbles, balls, kites etc…) and of course a picnic lunch for your family.  We will eat and then celebrate our successes. 

·     FIELD TRIP!  I have been able to secure another field trip for our class.   We are planning on taking the bus to Sunrock Farm on May 27th and May 28th.  We will leave at 9:30 and return to school around 1.  We will have an opportunity to milk a goat, handle baby farm animals, collect eggs, meet farmers, take a tour and enjoy a picnic lunch.   More details and permission forms will be coming soon.  In order for our field trip to be a success we need to have parent/ guardian volunteers join us.  In order to be a volunteer you must have fingerprints completed and on file at the district office.  Please contact me if you think you will be able to join us.  We have a limited amount of funding for adults to join us so it will be first come first serve. 

·     Program on Wheels- I’m in the process of securing the Cincinnati Museum Center’s program on wheels about insects and gardening. 

·     Walk-a-thon is May 22nd.  This is a normal school day for our Tuesday/Thursday class.  Wednesday/Friday students are welcome to come but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

·     Next school year- by now you have heard that preschool and Kindergarten will have school half days Tuesday-Thursday.  I’m waiting on confirmation of times but I believe they are roughly 8:30-11:15 and 12:15-3.   If your child is returning to preschool I have polled you and found out whether you’d prefer morning or afternoon.   I will do my best to honor your requests.  Our class this year and in years past has had 8 students on IEP’s and 4 students who are not on IEP’s and pay tuition.  Next year this is changing to an 8 and 8 model (8 with IEP’s and 8 without).  If you know someone interested in a tuition spot for our program please have them contact me.

·     Remember to enroll your child in Kindergarten if he or she is transitioning. 

·     We welcome Brayden and Hannah to our Wednesday/ Friday class.  Both classes are full with 12 students each.

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