Check out the link to the right for Scholastic books. The books are very reasonably priced and our class earns points when parents purchase books for their children.
Time for Kids- you will be receiving a booklet to fill out with addresses of people in your child's life. By just filling out the addresses our school will earn the Time for Kids Magazine to use at school for free. When your child brings the completed booklet back to school he or she will receive a funny little monkey. There is no financial obligation when filling out the addresses.
Conferences- conferences are coming up very soon. A Day have received conference forms and B Day will receive them today. Conferences are not mandatory. I have wrote a note on each form letting you know whether or not I would like a conference with you. If I have said I do not but you would like one anyways please feel free to sign up. You know I LOVE to chat about all the children.
Please see the note about the Teddy Bear Picnic. I've attached it a few blog posts down and you will have one in your child's folder.
Kindergarten registration is coming up. Please check out the link for more info and feel free to call me with questions.
Here is a link to a very fun song we've been singing and moving to. Check it out with your child!!/s/The+Cool+Bear+Hunt/2MM5Rl?src=5
Happy Birthday to Donnie! |