Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Photo Upload

Good Afternoon.  It has been a long time since I've had a chance to upload photos.  For some reason my computer was not cooperating and thank goodness now it is.  Here are a bunch of photos from the last couple of months.  They aren't all in chronological order but they give a snapshot of some of the amazing things we've been up to in preschool.

Happy Birthday,  Donnie!

Our dramatic play center has puppets to play with.

The puppets encourage and help build communication.

We take turns being the audience in our puppet theatre.

We have hand puppets and stick puppets.  The stick puppets are from the story we read the last couple weeks, The Mitten by Jan Brett.

Sophia and Maddie made matching structures out of wedgets.

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

More puppet show fun!
Happy Birthday, Maddie!

Happy Birthday, Sophia!

Reading books to our animals on our teddy bear picnic day!

Our stuffed animals hid from us while we were in the motor room.  We had to follow the clues to find them around the school.

Elmo was hiding on the gym steps.

Our hunt even took us to the school office.

We measured and recorded our animals length in inches.

We even had to go to Mr. Thacker's office to find an animal.

Ms. Sandy reading a story at our teddy bear picnic.

Some of our animals even enjoyed a snack.

Our picnic.

Riley found a clue to help her find her animal.

Some of our animals hid in high places.

Motor room parachute fun!

Playing with the dollhouse.

Listening to a story on tape.

Making play dough.

Happy Birthday, Aiden!
Welcome Ethan K. to our Tues/Thurs class.

We found a very LARGE worm on the sidewalk.  Of course we had to stop and investigate.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.  I hope everyone had a happy and healthy winter break.  I know that I enjoyed the little bit of snow we had.  It was fun to take my 3 year old sledding and enjoy that experience with him.

We've finished up our bear and holiday themes and are currently learning all about snow, winter and reading stories from one of my all time favorite children's authors, Jan Brett.  We have begun to read The Mitten by Jan Brett last week.  I'm fortunate enough to have collected enough copies of the book throughout my years teaching that at group time each child has the opportunity to hold, turn pages and read along with their own copy.  This way of reading a book helps children follow directions and understand that print has meaning.  As I read aloud I point to the words as a I read and often the children do the same.  We are also able to pay more attention to the very detailed illustrations.  We will also act out the story using animal props and then eventually pretend to be the animals ourselves. 

Conferences are coming up on January 31st and February 6th.  Conferences are not mandatory but if you are interested keep a look out in your child's communication folder for a sign up.  Peggy Fangman our speech pathologist will be here on February 6th so if your child receives speech therapy please consider requesting February 6th. 

Scholastic flyers went home last week.  It's a great way to purchase books for your child at a reasonable cost and also help our class earn points to buy more books.

Remember never hesitate to call, email or write with any questions or concerns.