Monday, November 28, 2011

Check out some of the awesome things happening in our class!

This is one of the books we read last week and will continue to read this week.  It's very engaging and has many rhyming words. 

This is our writing center!
 Dramatic play has turned into a grocery store!

Our long path math game.

Using a balance scale to compare and contrast.
 Practicing scissor skills by clipping coupons and ads.

 The grocery store is full of activity.

One of our language charts. 

Encouraging writing at our grocery store.

The light table!

Guess what we used to paint with?

Pepper and Carrot Painting!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18, 2011

We welcome Sydney to our Wednesday/Friday class.  So happy to have another new friend!

Reminder-no school 11/24 and 11/25!

Check you child's backpack for a note about rest items.  We will be keeping them at school now and sending them home periodically for a wash.  Any questions contact me.

We are in need of- napkins, disinfecting wipes, paper towels, baby wipes (for messy hands and mouths), tissues, clean/empty food containers (see below for more info), fake credit cards (the kind you get with junk mail).

Looking ahead:  Our next "theme" will be Market.  Our dramatic play center will turn into a grocery store.  We would love to have empty and clean food containers (i.e. cereal boxes, juice containers, etc...)  It is very important that the containers are clean due to the food allergies in our class.

Never hesitate to call or email me with any questions or concerns!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tactile Letters

In preschool we learn about letters in many ways.  We sing songs, we read books, we write with markers, pencils, and we use all sorts of other fun tactile ways including salt, play dough, shaving cream, clay etc..  Tactile refers to touch.  Many students learn best by doing.  Today we used our fingers in salt to form letters.  It's a fantastic sensory experience but also a great way to practice writing and drawing.  See photos below.

There are many stages of writing.  Did you know scribbling is a developmentally appropriate stage of writing?  In preschool we celebrate all stages of writing whether it's scribbling, writing mock letters, copying print or conventional writing.   See your child's folder for a copy and explanation of the developmental stages of writing.  Remember don't worry if your child isn't writing letters yet.  He or she may not yet be there developmentally and that's absolutely okay.  The most important thing to remember that exposure to all types of ways to write is what is important.  Supplying your child with various types of paper, pencils, crayons and markers on a daily basis is important and crucial to their literacy development.  If you want to get adventurous get out some salt and put it on a tray, or roll some playdough and form letters with your child, or even put some shaving cream on a tray and let your child play in it.  I'd love to hear about your adventures.